
This bond proposal was developed by a reconvened Long-Range Planning committee, initially formed in 2020, to study the rapid growth and facility needs in the district and make a recommendation to the LHISD Board of Trustees. The committee grew this last year by almost 30 additional members, making up over 90 diversified members, including parents, staff, community leaders, and residents both new to Liberty Hill and those who have lived in the district for decades.

The committee analyzed current enrollment, school capacities, and demographic projections; studied the state’s school funding process and district financial data; toured campuses, evaluated future facility needs, and prioritized projects. Following months of review, discussion, and consideration, the committee presented its recommendations to the LHISD Board of Trustees on February 6, 2023.

Based on the recommendations from the Long-Range Planning Committee, the LHISD Board of Trustees voted to call for a $471.1 million bond election that will go before voters on May 6, 2023. The bond proposal was made up of three propositions in order to comply with a new law that requires certain projects to be listed separately on the ballot.

Long Range Planning Committee

Campus Tours

Members of Liberty Hill ISD's Long Range Planning Committee had the opportunity to board a school bus to tour the 21 Bond@Work construction projects, land sites for future campuses, and new housing developments in our community.

They experienced first-hand some of the completed projects as well as the progress of new additions at many of our campuses. The tour included a high-level look at future district growth, campus capacities, and future facility needs.

What is a Long Range Planning Committee?


The purpose of this Long Range Planning Committee is to provide facility and equipment recommendations to Liberty Hill ISO Board of Trustees after having studied current facilities, educational programs, student population trends associated with the school district, and other data relevant to providing quality educational programs for all students.


The goal of this Long Range Planning Committee is to involve constituents of Liberty Hill Independent School District and community in evaluating the possible need for renovated and/or new facilities for supporting quality and equitable educational programs.


This Long Range Planning Committee should represent all stakeholders of Liberty Hill Independent School District and is asked to provide meaningful information to the district by developing recommendations that: